Friday, October 8, 2010


So about 2 weeks ago, I decided to start Weight Watchers Online. I have some friends that use it and they have had success and so I decided I would try! I was amazed at how easy it is and how you don't feel deprived. You quickly learn that the high fat foods are going to use up all your points so you learn to make healthier versions of your fave foods! I have lost 4 pounds in 2 weeks. I figure, it took some time, (and 3 10-11 pound babies) to put on this weight so its gonna take some time to get it off. Slow and steady wins the race is my motto!  So, this is my trusty notepad. I carry it everywhere and write down every bite I eat. I used the online food diary at first, but really like this the best. Now I just gotta get moving more!!


  1. Right on can do it!!!

  2. Thanks! You girls are my "thinspiration"!! XO

  3. Good for you Brandi!! And it's so true that slow and steady wins. Keep it up!
