Monday, July 12, 2010

The Room with a View

This is the view from my office and over the years it has provided me with hours of smiles and laughter. It used to be tinted windows and everyday I would have people primping in the window, picking teeth and popping zits without realizing I had a front seat to it all. Daily I get to watch babies in floaties, Marco Polo matches and an occasional speedo wearer. Watching the kids and parents laugh and play together really makes my days more enjoyable. The "window" also provides me the chance to see who's about to visit me. I can always tell by the determined looks and fast stride as they round the pool towards my office. I especially love rainy fall days, when the rain drops on the pool water in big splashes or the occasional summer thunderstorm that rolls through. Most days its a pretty good view, an ever changing canvas of everyday life.


  1. I spent a lot of time in there with Taylor.... were you spying on me? LOL!

  2. ha ha ha ha not spying..STALKING!!!! You said that was ok ;-)
